Le crime de l’Orient Express
Lundi 19 février, des élèves de section européenne (2nde 3-4-7-8-9-10) ont été voir le film Le Crime de l’Orient Express au Cinéma des Carmes. Ce film est lié à notre séquence « Detective Stories ». Ce thriller est basé sur le roman d’Agatha Christie et raconte les aventures du détective Belge connu pour sa méticulosité, Hercule Poirot, facilement reconnaissable à sa moustache.
L’intrigue se déroule à bord du train qui part d’Istamboul en Turquie, pendant les vacances de Poirot. Malheureusement, un des passagers est assassiné. Qui a bien pu commettre ce crime ? Quel était le mobile ? Afin de trouver le meurtrier, Poirot doit mener son enquête en relevant des indices et en interrogeant tous les passagers.
Les élèves ont particulièrement apprécié cette adaptation du roman d’Agatha Christie.
Un grand merci aux élèves de 2nde7/8 qui ont rédigé l’article en anglais ci-dessous.
Murder on the Orient Express
On Monday, February 19th, we went and watched Murder on the Orient Express at the Cinéma des Carmes. The film is indeed related to a unit we study in class “Detective Stories”. The thriller is based upon Agatha Christie’s well-known best-seller and puts on stage the adventure of the meticulous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot. We can easily recognize him thanks to his impressive moustache.
The plot unravels on the train which departs from Istanbul in Turkey, during Poirot’s holiday. Unfortunately, one of the passengers is murdered. Who could have committed that dreadful crime? What may have been the motive? In order to uncover the truth and find the culprit, Poirot has to lead his investigation by collecting clues which can become evidence, by summoning every passenger to check their alibis.
All of us enjoyed the film. The cast, made of reputed actors and actresses, was absolutely incredible. We loved the diversity of accents, especially the Belgian one which made us fond of the protagonist. The story is neither boring nor stereotyped. On the contrary it is suspenseful. We warmly recommend this movie. It stands as an amazing adaptation of Christie’s masterpiece.
Many thanks to the students of 2nde 7/8 who wrote this article in English.